Nathan, who is a fucking retarded pedo werethingamajig and RebeccaChu, who is a fucking spammer/tweener tartlet tard, were spamming and tag-teaming each other in their massive attempts to troll the total FUCK out of anyone and everyone on Deviantart, Metokur.org, and to discuss sekrit plans on Nathan's emo blog with his fuckblossom, Andria. After much trolling, Nathan decided that it was time to go play with his Mushybellies dolly morontoy and then IM his so-called lulz back to RebeccaChu, who complains about everyone, even those poor Target managers IRL. The day turned to black in a sudden whiff, and lo and behold, again the Metokur chimera appeared. It spoke TRUTH for GREAT JUSTICE, as it landed on the outside of Nathan's basement window. It kicked the window in and slipped inside in a cloud of hazy blue smoke.
"WTF are you doing here, AGAIN?" Nathan said, hugging his Bruce Campbell dolls and his Mushybellies moron doll tightly.
"Nathan, you have been fucking around again, trolling the fuck out of everyone! For that I must give you the ultimate fate!" It spoke in a deep voice that sounded like demongoat's. Its head reared and Nathan was surrounded by smoke, and when the smoke cleared, he was at a Wal-mart store, being nagged rudely by a customer that she wasn't getting any help at all. Nathan looked down at his shirt and he had a Wal-mart name tag on that stated his position: Forever slave. Nathan was doomed to forever be Wal-mart's corporate slave and would be trolled by every customer for being too retarded to know where anything was in the store except for his daddy's KY jelly.
The Metokur chimera was in spirit at the Wal-mart, and informed Nathan that his trolling days were over! "You will NEVER leave here, Nathan! You are Wal-mart's slave now!" And with that, he disappeared into thin air, while the portal closed, Nathan trapped within it, BAAAAWWWWWing at the fact that he kept getting trolled by customers and employees were now trolling him like zombies to brains and flesh.
The Metokur chimera flew to RebeccaChu's house next. Rebecca was on her little computer, being a little whiny bitch sicking everyone on other deviants when all of a sudden her open window slammed down shut. "What the fuck was that?" Little Rebecca said in a bit of a shudder, then shrugged and went back to her usual trolling. All of a sudden, there was a red shirt and tan pants that were laying in front of her.
"Wait a minute, I don't have any clothes this color!" And she jumped up out of her chair and screamed, "WHO'S IN HERE?!? YOU ARE GONNA DIE!!!!"
With that, the Metokur chimera popped out of nowhere, Rebecca in his clutches, and he laughed menacingly as she could not escape his grasp. "You are going to suffer a fate about as bad as your little troll moron Nathan!" He said evilly.
"What are you going to do with me?!?" Rebecca screamed. Her parents could not hear her cries for she was trapped in a cloud of smoke with the Metokur chimera.
"Isn't it obvious?" The Metokur chimera said. "You're going to work at Target!"
"I AM NOT! YOU WILL DIE!!!" Rebecca felt assured that Nathan would come with his NO U! shield to white knight her.
"OH YES...YOU WILL." The Metokur chimera said. He made the clothes appear on Rebecca, and then noticed on her little computer that she had up some ugly pikachu monster that Becca had drawn, but she was trolling a deviant that she accused had stolen it.
"Oh really? That's too bad. And you know what, this outfit isn't complete yet." He said.
"It isn't? Why not???" Rebecca said, BAAAWWWing her eyes out.
"No, it isn't." The Metokur chimera said, while looking at Becca's computer.
"You are going to be THAT", he pointed to the computer, and he snapped his fingers and Rebecca started transforming into a hideous looking Pikachu Monster! And then the Metokur chimera had one more thing in store for Rebecca.
"What are you going to do to me now??!??" Rebecca cried, as her voice grew squeekier and more raspy, noticing that the Metokur chimera had a smirk on its face and his hand raised to snap his fingers once more.
He snapped his fingers, and a Target name tag appeared on her shirt with her position: "Manager Electronics Department".
"You'd better make sure that the radios are plugged in at this Target, or you will DIE!" He reprimanded.
Rebecca cried and cried, begging to be turned back into a normal little girl, but the Metokur chimera took her by the scruff of the neck and tossed her into a different dimension, one much worse than Nathan's, but with all of the similarities.
After that, the Metokur chimera did a motion with his hands to know that his job was done here, and that the world would no longer have to suffer any more trolling or weregrinch faggotry from asspies. THE END.